Traffic Defense

For over 30 years now, Mark D. Richards has focused on providing quality representation as a criminal defense attorney.

Racine’s Foremost Traffic Defense  Lawyer

Don’t just pay that speeding ticket!

According to a recent USA Today article, 1 in 6 Americans receives a speeding ticket each year, which totals to about 41 million tickets. At Richards & Associates, we believe that all of those drivers should seek our help as their traffic ticket lawyers. Here are the reasons why:

  1. Traffic tickets can have hidden costs beyond the fine. A fine listed on the ticket is not the only cost of a speeding ticket. Other costs can include license suspension, demerit points, insurance rate increases, and more. As experienced traffic ticket attorneys, we can work to negotiate your ticket to a non-suspension or lower demerit point option, which can save you from losing your driving privileges or commercial driver’s license. Additionally, we can negotiate to avoid insurance rate increases that can cost you thousands over time.
  2. We save you time. When you hire us, we handle everything for you, which means you don’t have to waste time going to court. This time and stress savings are often worth the cost of our services.
  3. We know better. We have years of experience working with prosecutors and judges, which allows us to get the best possible outcome for your ticket.

In conclusion, paying a speeding or other traffic ticket without the help of an attorney can be costly and time-consuming. Hiring an experienced traffic defense attorney can save you in demerit points and insurance premium fees. If you or someone you know has received a speeding or traffic ticket, reach out to Richards & Associates for assistance.

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